Help your ideas go beyond the conference room and become recurring themes that your team discuss

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Market Your Urban Ideas
Planning happens in a series of meetings. How you approach these meetings can make or break your idea. To be persuasive you need to think about how to market your ideas.
One of my favorite ways is with “rhyming pitches.” If you have a catchphrase that rhymes or has that certain rhythm, it can wiggle into your brain and stick. Here is a couple I’ve started to use in my community. Feel free to use them in yours:
20’s plenty
We don’t need big wide lanes. 10 feet a lane is fine. This will slow down traffic build more density. Make streets safer. Give public space back to pedestrians.
Human scale will prevail
The missing middle is missing for a reason. But it’s not gone for long and it’s coming back.
Fund and it’s done
A motivation line for cities and banks. There’s a lot of hungry entrepreneurs out there. If you fund their projects they’ll get it done. How do you make things happen in your community? You fund entrepreneurs.
Zone for loans
Related to fund and it’s done. Having the right zoning in place can make it easier for developers to get the loans needed to make development happen.
Meetings are the medium
Urban planning, community development, and real state is a “full-contact” human activity. And the best way to work with others is through face to face meetings. It is the medium.Sprawl affects us all Well documented but little understood by those outside the profession, sprawl affects us all. Use this headline to help frame your conversation anytime you’re discussing the consequences of sprawl. Don’t work harder, work smarter Make every development just a little smarter by recognizing that infrastructure costs decrease as density increases.
Sprawl affects us all Well documented but little understood by those outside the profession, sprawl affects us all. Use this headline to help frame your conversation anytime you’re discussing the consequences of sprawl.
Don’t work harder, work smarter Make every development just a little smarter by recognizing that infrastructure costs decrease as density increases.
Cities are civilization
The Latin root word civis and civitas mean “citizen” and “city” respectively. If anyone had to pick an image for to help describe civilization they likely pick a picture of a city.
Repeal the Automobile
“The automobile city is the anticity that annihilates the city where ever it collides” — Lewis Sullivan
See human scale above. We don’t need to be thinking car 1st, we need to be thinking human 1st.
Density needs intensity
We’re talking about both buildings and people. Intensity is the frequency of social and economic encounters. You want to foster that intensity. Think farmers market vs. empty sidewalk.